1. By enrolling in a TEACH Oceania course or program a binding agreement shall arise between the student and TEACH Oceania.
  2. By accepting these terms & conditions you agree to pay the fees for the course you have selected under this agreement according to your chosen Payment plan.
  3. By accepting these terms & conditions you agree to the course details (time-frame, course delivery, course structure) specified on the relevant course page noted on this website.
  4. It is your responsibility to be aware of your course completion dates and to submit all assessments accordingly.
  5. If you are under 18 years of age, TEACH Oceania will only process your Enrolment Form once it has been signed by your parent or guardian. By signing the TEACH Oceania Enrolment Form, your parent or guardian agrees to be bound by the terms contained herein and shall become legally responsible for all payments to TEACH Oceania with respect to your course.
  6. By accepting these terms & conditions, you agree that for record keeping purposes, TEACH Oceania may retain a copy of your assessments. If you wish to keep a copy of your assessments, you agree to make a copy (screen shot) prior to submission. TEACH Oceania will only accept electronic assessment submissions via the Student Portal (LMS).
  7. It is your responsibility to notify TEACH Oceania of any change to your contact details. This can be done by updating your details in the Student Portal (LMS).
  8. The TESOL Course Content provided to you via the student portal (LMS) are copyright and remain the property of TEACH Oceania. You may not reproduce for commercial purposes any part of the course or course materials without the prior written consent of TEACH Oceania.
  9. Upon receipt of your enrolment, course payment or payment plan, TEACH Oceania agrees to:
    • Issue course enrolment confirmation/receipt
    • Provide you with access to the Student Portal (LMS)
    • Respond to any reasonable queries (via email) that may arise regards your course.
  10. Upon successful completion of your course you will be issued an electronic ‘Certificate of Completion’ as evidence of study. Students may print this for personal use however, no independent hard/physical certificate shall be issued by TEACH Oceania.


Please note: These Terms & Conditions may be subject to change from time to time without prior notice.






